Holy Cow! You see this one? I know I created it but still! This is the bees knees! I call it "Balance" for obvious reasons...but the title is the only obvious thing about it. It kinda jumps out at you from the darkness behind. Am I right? Look close, and like all of my work, you can see my spine and brain scans. Again, one of my new faves in this new series I am working on.
High Gloss White finish produces the brightest color and best image definition.
Float Mount Hangers sit 2" inside the edge of the print. Plastic coated wires are inset. This choice gives the appearance of floating off the wall 1", 1 1/4" on prints larger than 30"x40". Single wire, shown here, for prints 16"x24" and smaller. Corners will be slightly rounded unless otherwise requested.
And seriously? I love how these turn out. My guy Randy hooks me up and they are the brightest, most beautiful things you have laid your eyes on…For reals.
Canvas Print
Archival-certified and OBA free, our 20.5mil bright white, consistent poly-cotton blend matte canvas features an acid-free, neutral pH coating without any additives or agents. Our canvas prints are designed to last well over 100 years, guaranteeing you’ll treasure your prints for a lifetime.
Cause…yeah…canvas can be warm and cozy and just the right thing. I don’t blame you.
Select Canvas or Aluminum.
Allow 3 weeks for delivery.