A Minute About Extracts
Gentle Reader: Extracts?
Extract of cinnamon courtesy of Adobe Stock
Eric C. Hudson: Yep. Extracts are like…”Essence of Vanilla,” “Essence of Cinnamon,” “Essence of Molasses,” sort of thing…they use them in baking.
GR: That reminds me! I brought cookies!
ECH: What kind ya got over there?
GR: You were all in my thoughts with the molasses.
ECH: Get out of my head you! Can I have one?
GR: I’m sorry…did you say something? I was chewing so loud….
ECH: You are dead to me.
The reason I bring up this whole grandma’s pantry “extracts” thing is because I feel that Rothko is a bit of an extract himself.
GR: Ummmm…Rothko is an extract? Suuuure he is…
Let’s Look at Monet
ECH: Let me put it another way…Do you like Monet?
GR: Like the great Impressionist Claude Monet? Who doesn’t? His waterlilies and his images of Norte Dame are iconic! I love him! Hell, my Grandma loves him!
Kids with hats courtesy of Adobe Stock...Photo of Monet's The Water Lily Pond at the Albertina by the Author
ECH: Exactly! His pieces are beautiful, right? We all love them. What makes you feel so amazed by his work?
GR: I’m not sure…the color is amazing I know that…the lights all blending together….I also love how he just takes normal images like the waterlilies…and just blurs them out. This Monet guy uses color & brushwork to make you feel…I dunno…just brought into the image….it just brings emotion…I am not saying it right.
ECH: No, no. All good. Art is subjective! Who knows why we like what we do? No wrong answers here.
GR: Whew!
ECH: Now let’s look at that waterlily that you love….
GR: Thank you! Awww…those kids look cute. I like their hats!
ECH: Okay…now blow it up…zoom in…close
GR: Thanks again! Still beautiful!
ECH: And blow it up again…
GR: Ummmmmmm
ECH: And again…and again…and again….zooming closer
GR: Okay?
ECH: And again….
GR: Hey I’m not sure….
ECH: Until the ONLY thing you see is two of the blurry colors…I mean this is what you said you like right? The relationship between blurry colors gives you emotion?
GR: Ummmm yeah….but you are removing the rest of the image…i don’t know what it is anymore…
ECH: But now you see maybe just two of the key colors that made your heart jump…these made you think the waterlilies were amazing…what else do you need?
GR: I don’t know that that is enough…
ECH: Enough for what? The colors were amazing….the image was amazing….now here is just a tiny bit of it that you love…
GR: Well yeah but….
ECH: Now let’s take just those two key colors…and blow it up to a 5 foot by 5 foot panel! Maybe multiple panels!
GR: It is too much! It is like the extract! I only need a drop to make me love it….but now the entire painting is all tones and depths of ONE ingredient!
ECH: Go on…
Crazy Business courtesy of Adobe Stock & Author Manipulation
GR: I LOVE Monet! When you ask me to sit and focus on one tiny aspect? You give me two giant ingredients and say “that’s Monet?” That carries sooooooo much weight!
ECH: I get it, GR. It can…
GR: No, seriously! This is too much! It demands a lot! It kinda freaks me out! An entire painting with a specific ingredient just vibrating in your face! It makes me super anxious now just talking about it!
ECH: The Tate Modern has a room with NINE of these panels! All meant to be seen together and experienced together.
GR: NO! I can’t imagine the Tate Gallery! With a whole room designed for this?! What?? Why?? That is just crazy business!!!
ECH: That is Rothko